RedSeed product updates - August

Displaying learning pathways

You might remember in our last update we talked about the cool new feature which allows you to create an automated learning pathway for your users. Well, this month saw this information pulled through into your trainee's dashboard in a new option for course grouping!

This means that your trainees can now see the courses they have coming up and, depending on the type of pathway you choose, they'll also be able to see the date the course will be available to them.

By showing trainees what training they have to complete, and which training they have coming in future, you've got a great tool for keeping your team engaged in their training!

Future enrolments (coming soon)

The new feature above leads in nicely to this one. Future enrolment dates will allow course enrolments to have two separate dates attached to them; the date the enrolment is created, and the date the trainee is given access to the course you've enrolled them in.

What does this mean?

This means that you'll be able to create an enrolment ahead of time for a course that your trainee wont be able to access until a later date that you assign.

For example:

You have a new product to launch. The PK course has been created and signed off, but is embargoed until the product is actually launched.

This means your trainees will be able to see when the course coming, but won't have any access to it until you say so!

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