Seriously good content for better learning outcomes!

Everything you need for your entire customer experience team.

Get better engagement, better change in behaviour and better ROI from your learning.

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All our courses are video-based. Why?

Designed by learning experts, every course is video-based and focuses on practical skills that team members can use straight away.

Video is:

The best media for all learning styles.
The most engaging media for uptake and completion.
The best media to show what great looks like.
The best media for learning retention.
The best way to show and focus on practical skills that team members can use straight away.

And for the very best results use RedSeed coaching!

Filming video in-store of best practice retail sales scenarios

Check out the pricing for the RedSeed course library

What are customers saying about the RedSeed course library?

“COLIN (our branded RedSeed learning platform) not only provides a great way to deliver quality and consistent content to our employees in a timely and measurable way, but it will also provide a much more efficient outcome for the business.”

Leanne Newsome

GM People & Culture

“RedSeed's retail sales programme has helped increase sales revenue, confidence, consistency and customer service across our store network.”

Dave Yurak

National Retail Manager

“Our team feels more confident on the floor. The results are speaking for themselves!”

Graeme Allen

Operations Manager

“We have built a true level of engagement in the business; our next step is to continue building that coaching culture and capability within our managers to ensure that we’re adding value to complement the training. That’s where the magic happens!”

Jo McIndoe

Ngahuia Group L&D Lead

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