The realities of implementing an LMS into your business

RedSeed LMS course availability report

Congratulations! You have started on a journey towards improving your company's sales by changing the selling behaviours of your staff and transforming your Managers into Coaching legends.

But let's be honest, implementing an LMS like RedSeed into your business can be daunting!  It’s hard to know where to start….however, with the right guidance it can be a lot easier. RedSeed have a proven track record of implementing our learning management system into a diverse range of businesses and below, we’re going to share our three top tips!

Buy-in is crucial

When implementing an LMS, you will most likely encounter three types of people. The “early adopters” who will jump on board from the get-go without much prompting, the bulk of your business, who will be interested but still need to know “what’s in it for them” and the “tough cookies”, those team members who believe that they do not need to learn anything else or that “it’s just another project being rolled out by head office". This is true for everyone from the Store Managers to the individuals on the shop floor.

Here at RedSeed, we believe in the “leader-led” philosophy, which is the act of driving change through commitment and enthusiasm from the very top of your business. If Top Level Management can drive expectations, commitment and enthusiasm down through your business then the importance of the LMS and more importantly your team's personal development will be embraced.

Implementation is easily done if planned

Implementing an LMS and content into your business may seem like a daunting task but if properly planned, this process can be simple and seamless! Implementation is all about starting at the top as we mentioned in our first tip. Getting your top tier leadership team to go through the courses themselves first is a great way for them to get a good understanding of the content and platform. Once they’ve have completed it, they understand what’s expected of them and their team(s), and it’s a lot easier to get their buy-in. They can then coach their regional or store managers through the process to help embed the system in this next tier down.

This Leader Led Coaching style means that it is UNDERSTOOD what is required of everyone from management to shop floor staff.

Results are not instant

Yes! We’ve implemented an awesome system, have all of the content ready to go, have had some progress from the top level of the business but why am I not seeing a drastic change immediately?

Here at RedSeed, we like to make it clear that changing learning behaviours isn't something that happens overnight, it takes patience. In fact, it shouldn't happen overnight! Creating behavioural change is about making small, sustainable changes over a longer period of time. Learn more about measuring the success of learning.

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