Why social media is an important part of online training

Your team can find us across a few different social media channels (up the top of this website), and we strongly recommend they do!

Let us first start by putting your mind at ease. There is some method to this madness! We know that a lot of your staff won’t have access to any form of social media while they’re at work. This is actually perfect because our aim is to create sustained changes in the behaviour of your entire team. The best way to do this is to always keep training at top of mind, and what easier way to do this than by appealing to them in their own time and on their own terms?

There’s a whole raft of benefits to encouraging your team to use Social Media with RedSeed:

It speeds up the product development process

Social media is a fantastic tool for end users (aka your team) to voice their opinions about their online training experience. Being able to hear directly from our users means that we can hone-in on features and improvements that people actually want!

It keeps online training fun

Online training shouldn’t be 100% serious 100% of the time. Retail is a fun and social industry, and we like to think we’re a pretty fun and social bunch too! From time to time we run competitions on our different social media channels. You’ve gotta be in it to win it!

It opens up multiple channels of support

We have an extensive library of support resources and a top online training help-desk…but not everyone wants to send an email every time they run into a problem. The great thing is that the people who manage our social media are the same people who solve all of our support queries, so you’re getting the same expert knowledge!

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