Why we went to Inside Retail Live 2018....

Our Sales Director Ben Sleeman and Customer Success Manager Jess Miller recently attended Inside Retail. Below is what they had to say about the event and what learnings they took away on the state of the retail industry in 2018.

Recently we attended Inside Retail Live 2018, this was our second year attending the event and it did not disappoint! We went along with the goal of meeting like-minded individuals who are in the Retail industry.

Our goal was simple - to meet senior Retail leaders in these businesses, learn more about what’s happening in their industries and discuss ways to grow and change the sales culture in their organisations.

We’d like to share a couple of insights that really resonated with us about the current state of play within the Retail industry.

The Digital World is Still Playing a Huge Part in Retail

With Generation Alpha growing up in an ever-expanding digital world, it is more important than ever to offer a great in-store experience as Retail Leaders are forecasting than 100% of purchases will have a digital touchpoint in the future.

Competing with the “anywhere, anytime” convenience of online shopping is never easy, more-and-more businesses are making massive changes to how they sell in-store to combat this and keep customers coming back. High-quality retail sales training has never been more important, to make these changes quickly and continue to offer a valuable experience to the customer.

Create a Desirable Brand

Adam Ferrier was a stand out for us at IRL. He talked about the relationship between brand and the customer’s growing expectation of how your business should perform.

One of his key messages was... “Brands marry what the customer wants and what it can deliver, but something weird is happening in the market at the moment, everyone is trying to understand the customer. Conversely, the knowledge of brands is going down”.

Knowing your brand and staying true to what it represents is the most important part of being in business, if we get this message wrong not only do we confuse our customers but we become confused ourselves!

It's been a great start to the year for us at RedSeed… If you missed us at the Inside Retail Live event then make sure you get in contact with us to discuss what RedSeed can bring to your business.

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