Does your business even need an LMS?

The days of old where you used to pull all of your staff out of work for a day to “train” are over. No more awkward ‘get to know your colleagues’ sessions, rushed learning sessions and terrible catering. With the evolution of technology has come a much more affordable and efficient way to learn. These days you can literally earn Diplomas and gain certified Qualifications online. However, just because it's easy, doesn't mean it's any GOOD.

There are many platforms out there that will sell you as many courses as you want for just peanuts. And that’s one way of doing it. However, if you want to truly develop your employees, you need high-quality online courses with high-quality content. And you want to own that piece of the puzzle - it’s too risky otherwise.

That’s where an LMS (Learning Management System) comes in. Think of it as a library (your LMS) where all your books (courses) are stored. But now you’re entering the tech world, right? Scared much? Panic need not. Having an LMS that is easy to use and effective is a tricky business, but here at RedSeed, we think we have nailed it and here is what our LMS delivers for you.

Ease of Use

It's important to remember that even in today's day and age that people still struggle with technology, and with it evolving so fast it's not hard to understand why. That is why it is important to remember to “keep it simple”. Within the Dev Team here at RedSeed that is key to whatever we are developing. Our LMS is designed to be simple and easy to use. The key aspect of an LMS is learning, and we want to make the process of learning as easy as possible.

Anywhere, Anytime

Where are you reading this right now? At your computer? On the bus? On the toilet? If so wash your hands, that piece of learning is on us! No matter where you are, you can access your online courses in RedSeed's LMS. We have designed it so you can use it anywhere, anytime and on any device. It is mobile responsive, so our LMS will adjust to your device’s requirements. Got a spare 15 minutes on your daily commute? Login to RedSeed on your tablet, iPhone or Android device and learn on the go!


Regardless of the industry you are in, results are everything. Being able to measure those results effectively can tell you a lot about how your team is performing and, most importantly, how they are learning. We have developed our suite of reports to cater to businesses’ various KPIs, allowing Managers to pinpoint where they are winning with their training and where they aren't.

In summary

The learning of your employees should be one of your main priorities and you should be in control of what goes in their brains. The success of your business and the results you achieve depend on it. So don’t leave the growth of your biggest assets to anyone, trust the professionals. At RedSeed, we pride ourselves on having a world-class LMS solution that will deliver amazing results for your business. And if you need any courses to go with it, we can help you with that too.

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